Sokol POA tokens have no value. Beware of scammers!
Someone sold me Sokol POA Network tokens. Where can I exchange them for FIAT money or Ethereum?
Few users have reported, that they purchased Sokol POA Network tokens for few thousands of dollars. We were very sorry to tell them, that it was a scam. Why? Sokol POA tokens are not the same as POA tokens. Sokol is based on testnet, which means they are for developers to test smart contracts. And they have no value. The developer networks are like ‘Monopoly’ money; they have zero financial worth but are used by developers to try out new designs without needing to spend valuable coins. On the other hand, we have POA tokens, that are listed on Coinbase, Binance etc.

So beware of scammers, who intend to trick you and sell Sokol POA Testnet tokens for real money. This is just meant for tests. You can easily “print” as many Sokol POA tokens as you want using Sokol Faucet.
Beware of scammers from – this is not AlphaWallet. Scammers.